Feltmann, K., Hauspie, B., Dirkx, N., Elgán, T.H., Beck, O., Van Havere, T., & Gripenberg, J. Prevalence and misreporting of illicit drug use among electronic dance music festivals attendees: A comparative study between Sweden and Belgium. Toxics. 2024; 12:635. PDF
Wall, H., Wennberg, P., Binde, P., & Molander, O. Systematic assessment of gambling type involvement: Reliability and validity of the Gambling Disorder Identification Test (GDIT). Jouranl of Gambling Studies. Journal of Gambling Studies. Accepted.
Elgán, T.H., Andréasson, S., & Gripenberg, J. Long-term effects of an alcohol prevention program at licensed premises: a Swedish 20-year follow-up study. Frontiers in Public Health. 2024; 12:1423708. PDF
Feltmann, K., Gustafsson, N.K.J., Gripenberg, J., Elgán, T.H., & Kvillemo, P. Illicit drug use in licensed premises and the potential for prevention - a qualitative interview study of stakeholders. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. Accepted.
Nilsson, A., Demetry, Y., Shahnavaz, S., Gripenberg, J., & Kvillemo, J. Gambling and migration - The role of culture and family. Journal of Gambling Studies. PDF
Wall, H., Hansson, H., Zetterlind, U., Kvillemo, P., & Elgán, T.H. Effectiveness of a web-based individual coping and alcohol intervention program for children of parents with alcohol use problems: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2024; e52118. PDF
Marionneau, V., Kristiansen, S., & Wall, H. Harmful types of gambling: Changes and emerging trends in longitudinal helpline data. European Journal of Public Health. 2024; ckae024. PDF
Baldus, C., Elgán, T.H., Soyez, V, Tönnesen, H., Arnaud, N., Csemy, L., & Thomasius, R. Risky sexual behaviour and sexual victimization among young people with risky substance use in Europe - Perspectives from Belgium, Sweden, the Czech Republic and Germany. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023; 20:7002. PDF
Kvillemo, P., Gripenberg, J., Strandberg, A.K., & Elgán, T.H. Police officers' perspective on doping prevention among recreational athletes: a cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. 2023; 5:1251531. PDF
Wall, H., Kristiansen, S., Molander, O., Forsström, D., & Marionneau, V. Gambling helpline contacts during COVID-19-related availability restrictions: an interrupted time series analysis. Public Health. 2023; 224:14-19. PDF
Feltmann, K., Gustafsson, N-K.J., Elgán, T.H., Gripenberg, J., & Kvillemo, P. Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health, working and life situation of employees in the Swedish hospitality industry. Frontiers in Public Health. 2023; 11:1178847. PDF
Molander, O., Bjurberg, J., Sahlin, H., Beijer, U., Hellner, C., & Ljotsson, B. Integrated cognitive behavioral treatment for substance use and depressive symptoms: a homeless case series and feasibility study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 2023; 9:76. PDF
Wall, H., Magnusson, K., Hellner, C., Andersson, G., Jayaram-Lindström, N., & Rosendahl, I. The evaluation of a brief ICBT program with therapist support for individuals with gambling problems in the context of a gambling helpline: a randomized pilot trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 2023; 9:26. PDF
Kvillemo, P., Nilsson, A., Strandberg, A.K., Björk, K., Elgán, T.H., & Gripenberg, J. Mental health problems, health risk behaviors, and prevention: a qualitative interview study on perceptions and attitudes among elite male soccer players. Frontiers in Public Health. 2023; 10:1044601. PDF
Heimer, M., & Pettersson, C. The unfinished democratisation of family service systems:parental consent and children’s viewpoints on receiving supportin child and family welfare in Sweden. European Journal of Social Work. 2023; 26(2):310-322. PDF
Feltmann, K., Elgán, T.H., Böttcher, M., Lierheimer, S., Hermansson, S., Beck, O., & Gripenberg, J. Feasibility of using breath sampling of non-volatiles to estimate the prevalence of illicit drug use among nightlife attendees. Scientific Reports. 2022; 12:202283. PDF
Feltmann, K., Gripenberg, J., & Elgán, T.H. Compliance checks decrease cigarette sales rates to pseudo-underaged mystery shoppers: A quasi-experimental control group study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19:13161. PDF
Kvillemo, P., Strandberg, A.K., Elgán, T.H., & Gripenberg, J. Facilitators and barriers in preventing doping among recreational athletes: a qualitative interview study among police officers. Frontiers in Public Health. 2022; 10:1017801. PDF
Feltmann, K., Villén, T., Beck, O., & Gripenberg, J. Increasing prevalence of illicit drug use among employees at Swedish workplaces over a 25-year period. European Journal of Public Health. 2022; 32(5):760-765. PDF
Hiltunen, L., Kvillemo, P., Demetry, Y., Gripenberg, J., Elgán, T.H., & Skoglund, C. Risky drinking cultures among affluent youth in Sweden. Frontiers in Public Health. 2022; 10:867802. PDF
Kvillemo, P., Strandberg, A.K., & Gripenberg, J. Attitudes to cannabis use and public prevention information among young adults: a qualitative interview study with implications for prevention practice. Frontiers in Public Health. 2022; 10:830201. PDF
Leifman, H., Dramstad, K., & Juslin, E. Alcohol consumption and closed borders - how Covid-19 restrictions have impacted alcohol sales and consumption in Europe. BMC Public Health. 2022; 22:692. PDF
Grabski, M., Waldron, J., Freeman, T.P., Mokrysz, C., van Beek, R., van der Pol, P., Hauspie, B., Dirkx, N., Schrooten, J., Elgán, T.H., Feltmann, K., Benedetti, E., Tomba, G.S., Fabi, F., Molinaro, S., Gripenberg, J., van Havere, T., van Laar, M., & Curran, H.V. Drug use changes at the individual level: results from a longitudinal, multi-site survey in young Europeans frequenting the nightlife scene. European Addiction Research. 2022; 28(2):155-160. PDF
Källmén, H., & Hallgren, M.Å. Bullying at school and mental health problems among adolescents: a repeated cross-sectional study. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health. 2021; 15:74. PDF
Kvillemo, P., Hiltunen, L., Demetry, Y., Carlander, A.K., Hansson, T., Gripenberg, J., Elgán, T.H., Einhorn, K., & Skoglund, C. How to prevent alcohol and illicit drug use among students in affluent areas: a qualitative study on motivation and attitudes towards prevention. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy. 2021; 16:83. PDF
Lenzi, M., Santinello, M., Gaboardi, M., Disperati, F., Vieno, A., Calcagni, A., Greenwood, R.M., Rogowska, A.M., Wolf, J.R., Loubiere, S., Beijer, U., Bernard, R., Vargas-Moniz, M.J., Ornelas, J., Spinnewijn, F., Shinn, M., & HOME_EU Consortium Studyh Group. Factors associated with providers' work engagement and brunout in homeless services: A cross-national study. American Journal of Community Psychology. 2021; 67:220-236. PDF
Greenwood, R.M., Manning, R.M., O'Shaughnessy, B.R., Vargas-Moniz, M.J, Auquier, P., Lenzi, M., Wolf, J., Bokszczanin, A., Bernad, R., Källmén, H., Spinnewijn, F., & Ornelas, J. Structure and agency in capabilities-enhancing homeless services: Housing first, housing quality and consumer choice. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology. 2021; 1-17. PDF
Haugland, S.H., & Elgán, T.H. Prevalence of parental alcohol problems among a general population sample of 28,047 Norwegian adults: evidence for a socioeconomic gradient. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021; 18(10):5412. PDF
Feltmann, K., Elgán, T.H., Strandberg, A.K., Kvillemo, P., Jayaram-Lindström, N., Grabski, M., Waldron, J., Freeman, T., Curran, H.V., & Gripenberg, J. Illicit drug use and associated problems in the nightlife scene: a potential setting for prevention. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021; 18(9):4789. PDF
Feltmann, K., Gripenberg, J., Strandberg, A.K., Elgán, T.H., & Kvillemo, P. Drug dealing and drug use prevention – a qualitative interview study of authorities’ perspectives on two open drug scenes in Stockholm. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 2021; 16:37. PDF
Kvillemo, P., Feltmann, K., Elgán, T.H., & Gripenberg, J. Evaluation of the implementation of a 25-year outdoor school ground smoking ban: A qualitative interview study with implications for prevention practice. Frontiers in Public Health, 2021; 9:628748. PDF
Feltmann, K., Gripenberg, J., & Elgán, T.H. Sales of cigarettes to pseudo-underage mystery shoppers: Experiences from Stockholm County. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 2021;38(6):573-585. PDF
Elgán. T.H., Durbeej, N., Holder, H.D., & Gripenberg, J. Effects of a multi-component alcohol prevention intervention at sporting events: a quasi-experimental control group study. Addiction, 2021; 116(10):2663-2672. PDF
Elgán, T.H., Berman, A.H., Jayaram-Lindström, N., Hammarberg, A., Jalling, C., & Källmén, H. Psychometric properties of the short version of the Children of Alcoholics Screening Test (CAST-6) among Swedish adolescents. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 2021; 75(2):155-158. PDF
Söder, B., Källmén, H., Yucel-Lindberg, T., & Meurman, J.H. Periodontal microorganisms and diagnosis of malignancy: A cross-sectional study. Tumor Biology, 2021; 43(1):1-9. PDF
Feltmann, K., Gripenberg, J., & Elgán, T.H. Compliance to the alcohol law: Overserving to obviously intoxicated visitors at music festivals. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020; 17(22):8699. PDF
Norman, Å., Lundberg, U., Farbring, C. Å., Källmen, H., & Forsberg, L. The Feasibility and Potential of Training Correctional Officers in Flexible Styles of Communication to Reduce Burnout; A Multiple Baseline Trial in Real-life Settings. Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2020; 5(1):12, 1-9. PDF
Duch, M., Gervilla, E. Juan, M., Guimarães, C., Kefauver, M, Elgán, T.H., Gripenberg, J., & Quigg, Z. Effectiveness of a community-based intervention to increase supermarket vendors' compliance with age restrictions for alcohol sales in Spain: a pilot study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020; 17(16):5991. PDF
Strandberg, A., Elgán, T.H., Feltmann, K., Jayaram-Lindström, N., & Gripenberg, J. Illicit drugs in the nightlife setting: Changes in employee perceptions and drug use over a fifteen year period. Substance Use & Misuse, 2020; 55(13):2116-2128. PDF
Waldron, J., Grabski, M., Freeman, T.P., Mokrysz, C., Hindocha, C., van der Pol, P., van Beek, R., Hauspie, B., Dirkx, N., Schrooten, J., Elgán, T.H., Feltmann, K., Benedetti, E., Tomba, G.S., Fabi, F., Molinaro, S., Gripenberg, J., van Havere, T., van Laar, M., & Curran, H.V. How do online and offline sampling compare in a multinational study of drug use and nightlife behavior? International Journal of Drug Policy, 2020; 82:102812. Abstract
Källmén, H., Wennberg, P., Sohlberg, T., & Larsson, M. Effects of a school tobacco policy on student smoking and snus use. Health Behavior and Policy Review, 2020; 7(4):358-365. PDF
Kvillemo, P., Strandberg, A.K., Gripenberg, J., Berman, A.H., Skoglund, C., & Elgán, T.H. Effects of an automated digital brief prevention intervention targeting adolescents and young adults with risky alcohol and other substance use: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 2020;10:e034894. PDF
Loubiere, S., Taylor, O., Tinland, A., Vargas-Moniz, M., O'Shaughnessy, B., Bokszczanin, A., Källmen, H., Berad, R., Wolf, J., Santinello, M., Loundou, A., Ornelas, J., Auguier, P. Home-EU consortium study group. Europeans' willingness to pay for ending homelessness: A contingent validation study. Social Science & Medicine, 2020; 247:112802. PDF
Greenwood, R.M., Manning, R.M., O'Shaughnessy, B.R., Cross, O., Vargas-Moniz, M.J, Auquier, P., Saninello, M., Wolf, J.R., Bokszczanin, A., Bernad, R., Källmén, H., Spinnewijn, F., & Ornelas, J. The Home-EU service users' study protocol: A comparison of Housing First and traditional homeless service users in eight European countries. JMIR Research Protocols, 2020; 9(2):e14584. PDF
Greenwood, R.M., Manning, R.M., O'Shaughnessy, B.R., Vargas-Moniz, M.J, Loubiere, S., Spinnewijn, F., Lenzi, M., Wolf, J.R., Bokszczanin, A., Bernad, R., Källmén, H., Ornelas, J., & HOME-EU Consortium Study Group. Homeless adults' recovery experiences in Housing first and traditional services programs in seven European countries. American Journal of Community Psychology, 2020; 65(3-4):353-368. Abstract
Elgán, T.H., & Källmén, H. Do professionals ask about children when establishing a collaborative individual plan for clients? A cross-sectional study. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 2020; 74(1):69-72. PDF
Taylor, O., Loubiere, S., Tinland, A., Vargas-Moniz, M.J., Spinnewijn, F., Manning, R., Gaboardi, M., Wolf, J.R., Bokszczanin, A., Bernad, R., Källmén, H., Toro, P., Ornelas, J., & Auquier, P. Lifetime, five-year and past-year prevalence of homelessness in Europe: a cross-national survey in eight European nations. BMJ Open, 2019; 9:e033237. PDF
Skoglund, C., Kopp Kallner, H., Skalkidou, A., Wikström, A.K., Lundin, C., Hesselman, S., Wikman, A., & Sundström Poromaa, I. Association of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder with tenage birth among women and girls in Sweden. JAMA Network Open, 2019; 2(10):e1912463. PDF
Petit, J., Loubiere, S., Tinland, A., Vargas-Moniz, M.J., Spinnewijn, F., Manning, R., Santinello, M., Wolf, J.R., Bokszczanin, A., Bernad, R., Källmén, H., Ornelas, J., Auquier, P., & HOME-EU Consortium Study Group. European public perceptions of homelessness: a knowledge, attitudes and practices survey. PlosOne, 2019; 14(9):e0221896. PDF
Källmén, H., Berman, A.H., Elgán, T.H. & Wennberg, P. Alcohol habits in Sweden during 1997-2018: a repeated cross-sectional study. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 2019; 73(8):522-526. PDF
Buvik, K., Bye, E.K., & Gripenberg, J. Alcohol and drug use among staff at licensed premises in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2019; 47:393-399. PDF
Källmén, H., Elgán, T.H., Wennberg, P. & Berman, A.H. Concurrent validity of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) in relation to Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) severity levels according to the Brief DSM-5 AUD Diagnostic Assessment screener. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 2019; 73(7):397-400. PDF
Elgán, T.H., Durbeej, N. & Gripenberg, J. Breath alcohol concentration, hazardous drinking and preloading among Swedish university students attending university campus parties. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 2019; 36(5):430-441. PDF
Gaboardi, M., Lenzi, M., Disperati, F., Santinello, M., Vieno, A., Tinland, A., Vargas-Moniz, M.J., Spinnewijn, F., O'Shaughnessy, B.R., Wolf, J.R., Bokszczanin, A., Bernad, R., Beijer, U., Ornelas, J., Shinn, M. & HOME-EU Consortium Study Group. Goals and principles of providers working with people experiencing homelessness: A comparison between housing first and traditional staricase services in eight European countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019; 16(9):1590. PDF
Strandberg, A.K., Skoglund, C., Gripenberg, J. & Kvillemo, P. Alcohol and illicit drug consumption and the association with risky sexual behavior among Swedish youths visiting youth health clinics. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 2019; 36(1):51-60. PDF
Feltmann, K., Elgán, T.H., & Gripenberg, J. High levels of alcohol intoxication and strong support for restrictive alcohol policies among music festival visitors. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 2019; 14(1):15. PDF
Strandberg, A.K., Elgán, T.H., Jägerskog, M., & Gripenberg, J. Alcohol policies and attitudes toward alcohol prevention at Swedish student unions. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 2019; 36(1):51-60. PDF
Berman, A.H., Lindqvist, H., Källmén, H., Durbeej, N., Hermansson, U., & Forsberg, L. Counselor and drug detox inpatient verbal behaviors in a single session of Motivational Interviewing and subsequent substance use-related patient outcomes. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 2019; 17:73-88. PDF
Källmén, H., Berman, A.H., Jayaram-Lindström, N., Hammarberg, A., & Elgán, T.H. Psychometric properties of the AUDIT, AUDIT-C, CRAFFT and ASSIST-Y among Swedish adolescents. European Addiction Research, 2019; 25:68-77. Abstract
Stockwell, T., Sherk, A., Norström, T., Angus, C., Ramstedt, M., Andréasson, S., Chikritzhs, T., Gripenberg, J., Holder, H., Holmes, J., & Mäkelä, P. Estimating the public health impact of disbanding a government alcohol monopoly: Application of new methods to the case of Sweden. BMC Public Health, 2018; 18:1400. PDF
Petit, J.M., Loubiere, S., Vargas-Moniz, M.J., Tinland, A.;Spinnewijn, F., Greenwood, R.M., Santinello, M.; Wolf, J.R., Bokszczanin, A., Bernad, R., Källmén, H., Ornelas, J., Auquier, P and HOME-EU consortium study group. Knowledge, attitudes, and practices about homelessness and willingness-to-pay for housing-first across 8 European countries: a survey protocol. Archives of Public Health, 2018; 76:71. PDF
Kvillemo, P., Skoglund, C., Gripenberg, J., & Strandberg, A.K. Organizational readiness for devlopment and implementation of alcohol and drug prevention at Swedish youth health clinics: A qualitative interview study. Mental Health and Family Medicine, 2018; 14:763-771. PDF
Noorbakhsh, S., Shams, J., Lofti-Lelahloo, R., Wennberg, P., & Källmén, H. An empirical study of cut-off point for the Iranian version of Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test. Asia Pacific Journal of Medical Toxicology, 2018; 7:75-78. PDF
Noorbakhsh, S., Shams, J., Faghihimohamadi, M., Zahiroddin, H., Hallgren, M., & Källmén, H. Psychometric properties of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) and prevalence of alcohol use among Iranian psychiatric outpatients. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 2018; 13(1):5. PDF
Elgán, T.H., Durbeej, N., Holder, H., & Gripenberg, J. Overserving and allowed entry of obviously alcohol-intoxicated spectators at sporting events. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 2018; 42(2), 444-452. Abstract
Sherk, A., Stockwell, T., Chikritzhs, T., Andréasson, S., Angus, C., Gripenberg, J., Holder, H., Holmes, H., Mäkelä, P., Mills, M., Norström, T., Ramstedt, M., & Woods, J. Alcohol consumption and the physical availability of take-away alcohol: Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the days and hours of sale and outlet density. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 2018; 79(1), 58-67. Abstract
Durbeej, N., Elgán, T.H., Jalling, C., & Gripenberg, J. Alcohol intoxication at Swedish football matches: A study using biological sampling to assess blood alcohol concentration levels among spectators. PlosOne, 2017; 12(11):e0188284. PDF
Molero, Y., Bakshi, A.S., & Gripenberg, J. Illicit Drug Use Among Gym-Goers: a Cross-sectional Study of Gym-Goers in Sweden. Sports Medicine - Open, 2017; 3:31. PDF
Wickström, H., Herzing, M., Forsberg, L., Jacobsson, A., & Källmen, H. Applying motivational interviewing to induce compliance with radon gas radiation legislation. Psychology and Education Journal, 2017; 54(3), Monograph. Abstract
Warne, M., Sinadinovic, K., Berman, A.H., Källmén, H., & Vinberg, S. Risky consumption of alcohol and drugs among employees at ski resorts – A study in northern Sweden. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 2017; 34(3), 201-216. PDF
Jalling, C., Elgán, T.H., Tengström, A., & Birgegård, A. Gender-specifc predictors of at-risk adolescents' hazardous alcohol use - a cohort study. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 2017;12:23. PDF
Skoglund, C., Durbeej, N., Elgán, T.H., & Gripenberg, J. Public opinion on alcohol consumption and intoxication at Swedish professional football events. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 2017; 12:21. PDF
Sahlin, H., Kuja-Halkola R, Bjureberg J., Lichtenstein, P., Molero, Y., Rydell, M., Hedman, E., Runeson, B., Jokinen, J., Ljótsson, B., & Hellner Gumpert, C. The association between deliberate self-harm and violent crime: a Swedish national cohort study. JAMA Psychiatry, 2017; 74(6):615-621. Abstract
Källmén, H., Hed, A., & Elgán, T.H. Collaboration between community social services and health care institutions – the use of a Collaborative Individual Plan. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 2017; 34(2):119-130. PDF
Ingemarson M., Bodin M., Rubenson B., & Guldbrandsson K. The implementation of a behavioural support programme- Teachers' perceptions of the programme and themselves as providers. Health Education, 2016; 116(6):526-540. Abstract
Molero Y., Gripenberg J., & Bakshi A-S. Effectiveness and implementation of a community-based prevention programme targeting anabolic androgenic steroid use in gyms: study protocol of a quasi-experimental control group study. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2016; 8:36. PDF
Nordfjaern, T., Bretteville-Jensen, A.L., Edland-Gryt, M., and Gripenberg, J. Risky substance use among young adults in the nightlife arena: An underused setting for risk-reducing interventions? Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2016; 44(7):638-645. Abstract
Norén Selinus E., Molero Y., Lichtenstein P., Anckarsäter H., Lundström S., Bottai M., & Hellner Gumpert C. (2016). Subthreshold and threshold attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in childhood: psychosocial outcomes in adolescence in boys and girls. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 2016; 134(6): 533–545. PDF
Elgán, T.H., Kartengren, N., Strandberg, A.K., Ingemarson, M., Hansson, H., Zetterlind, U., and Gripenberg, J. A web-based group course intervention for 15-25-year-olds whose parents have substance use problems or mental illness: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 2016; 16:1011. PDF
Nordfjaern, T., Edland-Gryt, M., Bretteville-Jensen, A.L., Buvik, K., and Gripenberg, J. Recreational drug use in the Oslo nightlife setting: study protocol for a cross-sectional time series using biological markers, self-reported and qualitative data. BMJ Open, 2016; 6:e009306. PDF
Durbeej, N., Elgán, T.H., Jalling, C., and Gripenberg, J. Alcohol prevention at sporting events: study protocol for a quasi-experimental control group study. BMC Public Health, 2016; 16:471. PDF
Arnaud, N., Baldus, C., Elgán, T.H., De Paepe, N., Tönnesen, H., Csemy, L., and Thomasius, R. Effectiveness of a web-based screening and fully automated brief motivational intervention for adolescent substance use: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2016; 18(5):e103. PDF
Källmen, H., & Blid, M. Free from homelessness: Is "Housing first" the solution? - A comparison with the “Staircase Model”. A feasibility study. International Archives of Addiction Research and Medicine, 2016; 2:1. PDF
Källmen, H., Wennberg, P, Andreasson, P., & Bergman, H. Psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the personality inventory NEO-PI-3. International Journal of Psychology and Psychoanalysis, 2016; 2:1. Abstract
Arnaud, N., Baldus, C., Elgán, T.H., Tönnesen, H., De Paepe, N., Csemy, L., and Thomasius, R. Moderators of outcome in a web-based substance use intervention for adolescents. SUCHT, 2015; 61:377-387. Abstract
Raninen, J., Elgán, T.H., Sundin, E., and Ramstedt, M. Prevalence of children whose parents have a substance use disorder: Findings from a Swedish general population survey. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2015; 44(1):14-17. Abstract
Jalling, C., Bodin, M., Romelsjö, A., Källmén, H., Durbeej, N., and Tengström, A. Parent Programs for Reducing Adolescent’s Antisocial Behavior and Substance Use: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 2015; 25:811-826. PDF
Hallgren, M., Pope H.G., Kanayama, G., Hudson, J.I., Lundin, A., and Källmén, H. Anti-social behaviors associated with Anabolic Androgenic Steroid use among male adolescents. European Addiction Research, 2015; 21:321-326. Abstract
Åhlin, J.,K. Hallgren, M., Öjehagen, A., Källmén, H., and Forsell, Y. Adults with mild to moderate depression exhibit more alcohol related problems compared to the general adult population: A cross sectional study. BMC Public Health, 2015; 15:542. PDF
Källmen, H., Wennberg, P., Ramstedt, M., and Hallgren, M. Changes in alcohol consumption between 2009 and 2014 assessed with the AUDIT. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2015; 43:381-384. Abstract
Enebrink, P., Danneman, M., Benvestito Mattsson, V., Ulfsdotter, M., Jalling, C., and Lindberg, L. ABC for Parents: Pilot Study of a Universal 4-Session Program Shows Increased Parenting Skills, Self-efficacy and Child Well-Being. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 2014; 24:1917-1931. PDF
Forsberg, L., Wikström, H., and Källmen, H. Motivational Interviewing may facilitate professional interactions with inspectees during environmental inspections and enforcement conversations. PeerJ, 2014; 2:e508. PDF
Ingemarson, M., Rubenson, B., Bodin, M., and Guldbrandsson, K. Implementation of a school-wide prevention programme-teachers’ and headmasters’ perceptions of organizational capacity. Evaluation and Program Planning, 2014; 43 (2014) 48-54. Abstract
Källmén, H., Wennberg, P., Ramstedt, M., and Hallgren, M. The psychometric properties of the AUDIT: a survey of a random sample of elderly Swedish adults. BMC Public Health, 2014; 14:672. PDF
Hallgren, M., and Källmén, H. Monitoring the statility of risk factors for adolescent cannbis use. International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research, 2014; 3(4), 235-243. Abstract
Norström, T., and Svensson, J. No polarization in youth drinking in Stockholm county: response to Hallgren. Addiction, 2014; 109:1385-1386. PDF
Norström, T., and Svensson, J. The declining trend in Swedish youth drinking: collectivity or polarization? Addiction, 2014; 109:1437-1446. PDF
Strandberg, A.K., Bodin, M.C., and Romelsjö, A. Gender differences in the prediction of parental servings of alcohol to adolescents and youth drunkenness. Substance Use and Misuse, 2014; 49(14):1857-1866. Abstract
Silvermark, A., Källmén, H., and Molander, C. Improved life satisfaction and pain reduction: Follow-up of a 5-week multidisciplinary long-term pain rehabilitation programme. Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences, 2014; 119, 278-286. PDF
Landberg, J., and Hübner, L. Changes in the relationship between volume of consumption and alcohol-related problems in Sweden during 1979-2003. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 2014; 49(3):308-316. Abstract
Skerfving, A., Johansson, F., and Elgán, T.H. Evaluation of support group interventions for children in troubled families: study protocol for a quasi-experimental control group study. BMC Public Health, 2014; 14:76. PDF
Norrgård, E., Wikström, E., Pickering, C., Gripenberg, J., and Spak, F. Environmental and capacity requirements are critical for implementing and sustaining a drug prevention program: a multiple case study of "Clubs against drugs". Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention and Policy, 2014; 9:6. PDF
Raninen, J., Leifman, H., and Ramstedt, M. Who is not drinking less in Sweden? An analysis of the decline in consumption for the period 2004-2011. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 2013; 48(5):592-597. Abstract
Elgán, T.H., and Leifman, H. Prevalence of adolescents who perceive their parents to have alcohol problems: A Swedish national survey using a web-panel. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2013; 41:680-683. Abstract
Lindberg, L., Ulfsdotter, M., Jalling, C., Skärstrand, E., Lalouni, M., Lönn Rhodin, K., Månsdotter, A., and Enebrink, P. The effects and costs of the universal parent group program – all children in focus: a study protocol for a randomized wait-list controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 2013; 13:688. PDF
Norström. T., and Trolldal, B. Was the STAD-program really that successfull? Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 2013; 30(3):171-178. Abstract
Ramstedt, M., Leifman, H., Müller, D., Sundin, E., and Norström, T. Reducing youth violence related to student parties: Findings from a community intervention project in Stockholm. Drug and Alcohol Review, 2013; 6:561-565. Abstract
Skärstrand, E., Sundell, K., and Andréasson, S. Evaluation of a Swedish version of the Strengthening Families Programme. European Journal of Public Health, 2013; 24(4):578-594. Abstract
Andréasson, S., Danielsson, A.K., and Hallgren, M. Severity of alcohol dependence in the Swedish adult population: association with consumption and social factors. Alcohol, 2013; 47(1):21-25. Abstract
Hallgren, M., and Andréasson, S. The Swedish six-community alcohol and drug prevention trial: effects on youth drinking. Drug and Alohol Review, 2013; 32(5):504-511. Abstract
Svensson, J., and Landberg, J. Is Youth Violence Temporally Related to Alcohol? A Time-Series Analysis of Binge Drinking, Youth Violence and Total Alcohol Consumption in Sweden. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 2013; 48(5):598-604. Abstract
Trolldal, B., Brännström, L., Paschall, M.J., and Leifman, H. Effects of a multi-component responsible beverage service programme on violent assaults in Sweden. Addiction, 2013; 108(1)89-96. Abstract
Trolldal, B., Haggård, U., and Guldbrandsson, K. (2013). Factors associated with implementation of a multicomponent responsible beverage service program – results from two surveys in 290 Swedish municipalities. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention and Policy, 2013; 8:11. PDF
Room, R., Bloomfield, K., Gmel, G., Grittner, U., Gustafsson, N-K., Mäkelä, P., Österberg, E., Ramstedt, M., and Wicki, M. What happened to alcohol consumption and problems in Nordic countries when alcohol taxes were decreased and borders opened? International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research, 2012; 2(1):77-87. Abstract
Piontek, D., Kraus, L., Bjarnason, T., Demetrovics, Z., and Ramstedt, M. Individual and country-level effects of cannabis-related perceptions on cannabis use. A multilevel study among adolescents in 32 European countries. Journal of Adolescent Health, 2012; 52(4):473-479. Abstract
Norström, T., Sundin, E., Müller, D., and Leifman, H. Hazardous drinking among restaurant workers. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2012; 40(7):591-595. Abstract
Svensson, J. Alcohol consumption and harm among adolescents in Sweden: Is smuggled alcohol more harmful? Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 2012; 21(2):167-180. Abstract
Hallgren, M., Leifman, H., and Andréasson, S. Drinking Less But Greater Harm: Could Polarized Drinking Habits Explain the Divergence Between Alcohol Consumption and Harms among Youth? Alcohol and Alcoholism, 2012; 47(5):581-590. Abstract
Thelin Bronner, K.B., Wennberg, P., Källmén, H., and Schult, M.L.B. Alcohol habits in patients with long-term musculoskeletal pain: comparison with a matched control group from the general population. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 2012; 35(2):130-137. Abstract
Elgán, T.H., Hansson, H., Zetterlind, U., Kartengren, N., and Leifman, H. Design of a Web-based individual coping and alcohol-intervention program (web-ICAIP) for children of parents with alcohol problems: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 2012; 12:35. PDF
Gripenberg-Abdon, J., Elgán, T.H., Wallin, E., Shaafati, M., Beck, O., and Andréasson, S. Measuring substance use in the club setting: a feasibility study using biochemical markers. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention and Policy, 2012; 7:7. PDF
Källmén, H., Wennberg, P., and Bergman, H. Psychometric properties and norm data of the Swedish version of the NEO-PI-R. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 2011; 65(5):311-314. Abstract
Heiwe, S., Lönnquist, I., and Källmén, H. Potential risk factors associated with risk for drop-out and relapse during and following withdrawal of opioid prescription medication. European Journal of Pain, 2011; 15(9):966-970. Abstract
Gripenberg Abdon, J., Wallin, E., and Andréasson, S. Long-term effects of a community-based intervention: 5-year follow-up of ‘Clubs against Drugs’. Addiction, 2011; 106(11):1997-2004. Abstract
Elgán, T.H., and Leifman, H. Children of substance abusing parents: A national survey on policy and practice in Swedish schools. Health Policy, 2011; 101(1):29-36. Abstract
Leifman, H., Rehnman, C., Sjöblom, E., and Holgersson, S. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids-Use and Correlates among Gym Users-An Assessment Study Using Questionnaires and Observations at Gyms in the Stockholm Region. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2011; 8(7):2656-2674. PDF
Gripenberg Abdon, J., Wallin, E., and Andréasson, S. The ”Clubs against Drugs” program in Stockholm, Sweden: two cross-sectional surveys examining drug use among staff at licensed premises. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention and Policy, 2011; 6:2. PDF
Bodin, M.C., and Strandberg, A.K. The Örebro prevention programme revisited: a cluster-randomized effectiveness trial of programme effects on youth drinking. Addiction, 2011; 106(12):2134-2143. Abstract
Strandberg, A.K., and Bodin, M.C. Alcohol-specific parenting within a cluster-randomized effectiveness trial of a Swedish primary prevention program. Health Education, 2011; 111(2):92-102. Abstract
Källmén, H., Sinadinovic, K., Berman, A.H., & Wennberg, P. Risky drinking of alcohol in Sweden: A randomized population survey comparin web- and paper-based self-reports. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 2011; 28(2): 123-130. PDF
Hallgren, M.Å., Sjölund, T., Källmén, H., and Andréasson, S. Modifying alcohol consumption among high school students: An efficacy trial of an alcohol risk reduction program (PRIME for Life). Health Education, 2011; 111(3):216-229. Abstract
Källmén, H., Wennberg, P., Leifman, H., Bergman, H., and Berman, A.H. Alcohol Habits in Sweden during 1997-2009 with Particular Focus on 2005 and 2009, Assessed with the AUDIT: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Study. European Addiction Research, 2011; 17(2):90-96. Abstract
Bodin, M., and Leifman, H. A randomized effectiveness trial of an adult-to-youth mentoring program in Sweden. Addiction Research Theory, 2011; 19(5):438-447. Abstract
Hubicka, B., Källmén, H., Hiltunen, A., and Bergman, H. Personality traits and mental health of severe drunk drivers in Sweden. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2010; 45(7):723-731. Abstract
Hallgren, M.Å., Högberg, P., and Andréasson, S. Alcohol consumption and harm among elderly Europeans: falling between the cracks. European Journal of Public Health, 2010; 20(6):616-617. Abstract
Hallgren, M.Å., Moss, N.D., and Gastin, P. Regular exercise participation mediates the affective response to acute bouts of vigorous exercise. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2010; 9(4):629-37. Abstract
Opheim, A., Andréasson, S., Eklund, A.B., and Prescott, P. The effects of training medical students in motivational interviewing. Health Education Journal, 2009; 68(3):170-178. Abstract
Hallgren, M.Å., Källmén, H., Leifman, H., Sjölund, T., and Andréasson, S. Evaluation of an alcohol risk reduction program (PRIME for Life) in young Swedish military conscripts. Health Education, 2009; 109(2):155-168. Abstract
Skärstrand, E., Bränström, R., Sundell, K., Källmén, H., and Andréasson, S. Parental participation and retention in an alcohol preventive family-focused programme. Health Education, 2009; 109(5):384-395. Abstract
Bränström, R., Sjöström, E., and Andréasson, S. Individual, group and community risk and protective factors for alcohol and drug use among Swedish adolescents. European Journal of Public Health, 2008; 18(1):12-18. Abstract
Källmén, H., Andersson, P., and Andrén, A. Are irrational beliefs and depressive mood more common among problem gamblers than non-gamblers? A survey study of Swedish problem gamblers and controls. Journal of Gambling Studies, 2008; 24(4):441-450. Abstract
Holmila, M., Holder, H.D., Andréasson, S., Baklien, B., and Rossow, I. Roles for researchers in community action projects to prevent alcohol and other drug problems: Methodological choices. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 2008; 15(4):410-423. Abstract
Skärstrand, E., Larsson, J., and Andréasson, S. Cultural adaptation of the Strengthening Families Programme to a Swedish setting. Health Education, 2008; 108(4):287-300. Abstract
Månsdotter, A.M., Rydberg, M.K., Wallin, E., Lindholm, L.A., and Andréasson, S. A cost-effectiveness analysis of alcohol prevention targeting licensed premises. European Journal of Public Health, 2007; 17(6):618-623. Abstract
Gripenberg, J., Wallin, E., and Andréasson, S. Effects of a community-based drug use prevention program targeting licensed premises. Substance Use & Misuse, 2007; 42(12-13):1883-1898. Abstract
Bodin, M.C., and Romelsjö, A. Secondary outcomes: Group and individual change and relationships to drinking outcomes. Addiction Research and Theory, 2007; 15(6):587-599. Abstract
Andréasson, S., Holder, H.D., Norström, T., Österberg, E., and Rossow, I. Estimates of harm associated with changes in Swedish alcohol policy: results from past and present estimates. Addiction, 2006; 101(8):1096-1105. Abstract
Rehnman, C., Larsson, J., and Andréasson, S. The beer campaign in Stockholm-attempting to restrict the availability of alcohol to young people. Alcohol, 2005; 37(2):65-71. Abstract
Wallin, E., Gripenberg, J., and Andréasson, S. Overserving at licensed premises in Stockholm: Effects of a community action program. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 2005; 66(6):806-814. Abstract
Wallin, E., and Andréasson, S. Public opinion on alcohol service at licensed premises: a population survey in Stockholm, Sweden 1999-2000. Health Policy, 2005; 72(3):265-278. Abstract
Wallin, E., Lindewald, B., and Andréasson, S. Institutionalization of a community action program targeting licensed premises in Stockholm, Sweden. Evaluation Review, 2004; 28(5):396-419. Abstract
Wallin, E,. and Andréasson, S. Can I have a beer, please? A study of alcohol service to young adults on licensed premises in Stockholm. Prevention Science, 2004; 5(4):221-229. Abstract
Berglund, M., Thelander, S., Salaspuro, M., Franck, J., Andréasson, S., and Öjehagen, A. Treatment of alcohol abuse: An evidence-based review. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 2003; 27(10):1645-1656. Abstract
Forsberg, L., Ahlberg, J., Möller, M., Hjalmarson, K., and Andréasson, S. Randomiserad studie av alkoholscreening vid kirurgisk akutmottagning. Bra metod upptäcka spritbruk I riskzon – särskilt hos unga kvinnor. [Randomized study of alcohol screening at a surgical emergency unit. Effective method for uncovering risky alcohol use - especially in young women.] Läkartidningen, 2003; 100(21):1882-1885. PDF
Wallin, E., Norström, T., and Andréasson, S. Alcohol prevention targeting licensed premises: A study of effects on violence. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 2003; 64(2):270-277. Abstract
Zammit, S., Allebeck, P., Andréasson, S., Lundberg, I., and Lewis, G. Self reported cannabis use as a risk factor for schizophrenia in Swedish conscripts of 1969: historical cohort study. BMJ, 2002; 325(7374):1199-1201. PDF
Wallin, E., Gripenberg, J., and Andréasson, S. Too drunk for a beer? A study of overserving in Stockholm. Addiction, 2002; 97(7):901-907. Abstract
Andréasson, S., and Graffman, K. Alkoholprevention I primärvården. Patienterna positiva till att frågor om alkohol och livsstil tas upp. [Alcohol prevention in primary care. Patients receptive to questions concerning alcohol and lifestyle] Läkartidningen, 2002; 43:4252-4255. PDF
Andréasson, S., Hansagi, H., and Österlund, B. Short-term treatment for alcohol-related problems: four-session guided self-change versus one session of advice – a randomized, controlled trial. Alcohol, 2002; 28(1):57-62. Abstract
2000 and previous
Andréasson, S., Hjalmarsson, K., and Rehnman, C. Implementation and dissemination of methods for prevention of alcohol problems in primary health care: A feasibility study. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 2000; 35(5):525-530. Abstract
Andréasson, S., Lindewald, B., and Rehnman, C. Over-serving patrons in licensed premises in Stockholm. Addiction, 2000; 95(3):359-363. Abstract
Hansagi, H., Brandt, L., and Andréasson, S. Parental divorce: psychosocial well-being, mental health and mortality during youth and young adulthood – A longitudinal study of Swedish conscripts. European Journal of Public Health, 2000; 10(2):86-92. Abstract
Andréasson, S., and Brandell, A. Alkoholprevention i sjukvården: Metodik för screening och motiverande samtal. [Health service prevention of alcohol abuse: Methods for screening and motivational counselling.] Läkartidningen, 1999; 96:1594-1598. PDF
Andréasson, S. Alcohol and J-shaped curves. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 1998; 22(7):359S-364S. Abstract
Andréasson, S., and Brandt, L. Mortality and morbidity related to alcohol. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 1997; 32(2):173-178. Abstract